Wednesday, October 28, 2009

1. Answer the questions below using only one word.

2. Thank the blogger who gave it to you. (no one did, I swiped it from someone)

3. Pass it on to 6 of your favorite bloggers.

1. Where is your cell phone? table
2. Your hair? straight
3. Your mother? unstable
4. Your father?estranged
5. Your favorite food? mexican
6. Your dream last night? none
7. Your favorite drink? Dr. Pepper
8. Your dream/goal? contentment
9. What room are you in? family
10. Your hobby? reading
11. Your fear? heights
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? country

13. Where were you last night? Home
14. Something you aren't? outgoing
15. Muffins? blueberry
16. Wish list item? camper
17. Where did you grow up? Arkansas
18. Last thing you did? drink
19. What are you wearing? Jeans
20. Your TV? on
21. Your pets? loveable
22. Your friends? fun
23. Your life? happy
24. Your mood? bored
25. Missing someone? nope
26. Vehicle?truck
27. Something you're not wearing? shoes
28. Your favorite store? wal-mart

29. Your favorite color? green
30. When was the last time you laughed? Today
31. Last time you cried? weeks
32. Your best friend? Husband
33. One place that I go over and over? wal-mart
34. One person who emails me regularly? noone
35. Favorite place to eat? chilis

Friday, October 23, 2009

Thank goodness it is Friday!!

I thought Friday would never get here! We did not accomplish as much as I would have liked to this week, but then again I seem to over plan the week so maybe that is the problem. B and I have started reading the Hobbit and so far it has been interesting. Our discussions seem to get off track a little at times and I remind myself that we are not doing public school we are doing school our way and it ahs worked so far so we will continue as is. He started World War 1 in history this week and is reading Albert Marrin's book The Yanks Are Coming. I think he is learning because everyday he has something new to tell me. Algebra is coming along nicely. Math has always been hard for him but since we switched to MUS he seems to understand it better. Compostion is going rather well. I had him read one of Andersons fairytales and then the next day write it in his own words and I was rather impressed with it. There were some minor grammatical mistakes but over all it was quite good.Biology is well just Biology. He is on track and seems to be enjoying it. We are doing vocabualry with his literature reading right now and this seems to work pretty well. I am thinking about having him start Vocabulary Cartoons after the first of the year but we'l see. I am sure that I have skipped something but this is about all I have time for today as I need to get back to cleaning the house.
Enjoy your journey!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

TOO Much Rain!!

It raining yet again today. We have gotten so much rain this year already and have not seen the sun shine for at least 4 days. Yuck!! I am sick of it already!!
On a school note...B went to his Speech class yesterday and I stayed to listen in on the class and I must say that is the most boring and dry teacher I have heard in a long time. On the way home I questioned him about the class and he told me that it was Okay but the teacher was VERY boring. So will see how long he hangs in there with the class. For some reason the boys are finished with school for today already and it is only 1:43. VERY unusual for this to happen. But they are not complaing one B is playing xbox 360 online and C is watching bushcraft videos on the internet. I think I will enjoy the afternoon before I have to start dinner which is going to consist of an Itlain Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, corn and some type of bean(probably purple hull peas).

Until next time!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Monday morning

Well here we are, the weekend is over and it is Monday. Normally I would be getting the boys up for breakfast and getting ready for our day of school. But this morning they are sleeping in a little extra time and will do school in the morning and get the afternoon off as their dad will have the afternoon off today. Brandon will go to his speech class this afternoon for 2 hours though.
It is nice to sit here at the computer with utter quietness. Have a litle computer time and then have my time in my Bible with the Lord. Don't have too many days like this. As I type I am listening to the rain fall outside. Wishing we would have sunshine instead of rain but thankful to the Lord for the day he has given us anyway.

I have been thinking all weekend about composition. We use various things for composition and I am growing weary of planning so many different curriculums for this subject. I would like to get SWI C for the boys but can't afford to get it new right now and of course can't find it used on the boards. So what do we do..who knows maybe this afternoon I will get time to sit down and look at everything I have for compostion and figure out how to make just one of them do what I want.
Well that is all for now!! Hope everyone has a wonderful Columbus Day!!

Friday, October 9, 2009

I figured it out and now the slides are gone!

I goofed

I was trying to figure out how to add my pictures as a slideshow and somehow I got 3 slideshows on my blog and none of them my pictures and now I can't figure out how to get rid of them.
Oh well, at least they are nice to look at even if they aren't what I intended to put on there.


I really have neglected this blog. So let's get started with an update.
C is doing good with his studies what little he has. For B we decided not to do Tuthquest for history and are instead doing History Odyssey Modern TImes level 2. I was worried that it would not be enough for 10th grade but my worries were soon put to rest. It is more than adequate for 10th grade. He is enjoying it. Instead of LL for literature we are doing our own thing. I am roughly using WTM as a guide and adding in lots of books that he and I want to read. We have always done literature together by reading aloud and then discussing it. I was going to try LL this year but in the end we like our read aloud time so we ditched LL. B joined a Speech club and actually is enjoying it so far. C is trying to decide what he is going to major in next fall when he attends college. I have realized that 17 year old boys just take a laid back look on life at this age. I am one of those people who plans and plans and it is just driving me crazy that he is just not too worried about college right now. Oh well, my husband told me to just leave him alone and he will figure it out. So I am trying and most days do fine but occasionally slip. LOL

It has been raining and raining and then raining some more here off and on all summer which is very unusal as we usually have a drought in the Summer. As a matter of fact it is raining as I type. we went camping last weekend which was okay. We got rained on Sunday morning and decided to pack up and come home early. We were all exhausted so noone complained.

I am so glad it is Friday!!!!! I love the weekends when husband is home all day and we do a lot of family things then too.
Well gotta go start lunch....HAVE A WONDERFUL WEEKEND EVERYONE!!!!!